The Altarpiece of the Saints of the Collegiate church of Covarrubias (Burgos): study of the polychromy
Study of polychromy
The recent restoration of the altarpiece of the Saints, found in the Old Collegiate Church of Covarrubias, Spain, has revealed technical characteristics of this significant work that had remained largely unknown until now. The various studies and scientific tests carried out have confirmed its inclusion into the group of the Low Countries altarpieces of the 15th century. Despite significant losses, the quality of its carving and the richness of its exceptionally well preserved applied brocades make it a true reference in its field. The polychromy of this altarpiece, sober and rich at the same time, acquires its own personality within the tradition of others from that period, to which it is related as much by its color as by the materials and technical procedures used.
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