Silicates as pictorial binders of the mural paintings in the 20th and 21st centuries: characterization of the main typologies

Keywords: Conservation, silicate paint, mural painting, mineral paint, characterization of pictorial technique


Marking differences between the various types of paints that use silicates as binders in wall paints is an increasing need in the field of conservation of cultural heritage. Coping with the extensive study of these materials in their industrial uses, the scarcity of research on the characterization and evolution of their use in the artistic field draws attention, both for commercial products and for experimental recipes, as well as the absence of analysis patterns that allow their identification, the evaluation of its aging process and the interaction with the other materials that make up the mural. With this study, the first steps are taken for typological recognition, concerning the period of execution of the murals and evaluating the options offered by stratigraphic analysis and FT-IR ATR infrared spectrometry, both in laboratory samples and in mural paintings from the Valencian area


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Author Biographies

Mercedes Sánchez Pons, Universitat Politècnica de València

Doctora por la Universitat Politécnica de Valencia (2002, programa de Conservación y Restauración de Bienes Culturales). Desde 2003 es profesora titular del Departamento de Conservación y Restauración de Bienes Culturales de la UPV en los títulos de Grado y Máster, en los que imparte docencia relacionada con la conservación y restauración de pinturas murales y en particular murales contemporáneos y arte urbano, desde el año 2006.
Forma parte del Grupo de Investigación Taller de análisis e intervención en Pinturas Murales del Instituto de Restauración del Patrimonio de la UPV, pertenece al Micro-Clúster de Investigación (MCI) “Globalización, turismo y patrimonio” en International Campus of Excellence VLC/CAMPUS, y es también miembro del grupo de Arte Urbano y Público del Ge-IIC.
Ha dirigido y participado en numerosos proyectos de investigación, catalogación e intervención de pinturas murales, nacionales e internacionales, destacando entre los más recientes la restauración de los murales de la iglesia de San Nicolás en Valencia y el Proyecto Europeo Ewaglos: european ilustrated glossary of conservation terms for wall painting and architectural surfaces. Es también co-editora y autora del volumen Conservation Issues in Modern and Contemporary Murals (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015).

Duccio Sanesi Bigagli, Investigador independiente. Universitat Politècnica de València

With a degree in Operatore dei Beni Culturali from the Universitá di Firenze, once in Spain he approached the world of restoration by attending the master's degree in Conservación y  Restauración at the Universidad Politècnica de València.  With the final work of this degree, he achieved heritage recognition and a level of official protection for some ceramic advertising panels from the 1960s, emblematic of the city of Valencia. As a restorer, he has worked in different Autonomous Communities and in the Valencian area, in tasks related to the restoration of the walls and exterior decorations of monuments such as the Cathedral of Teruel and Lleida. He combines practical work with research in contemporary mural painting and ongoing training in the field of heritage conservation, in order to achieve a holistic treatment of the work of art. He is currently a student on a Master's degree in Analysis and Attribution of Works of Art at the University of Valencia. 


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How to Cite
Sánchez Pons, M., & Sanesi Bigagli, D. (2021). Silicates as pictorial binders of the mural paintings in the 20th and 21st centuries: characterization of the main typologies. Ge-Conservacion, 20(1), 318-336.