O retábulo da capela de Nossa Senhora da Piedade no claustro da Sé do Porto: estudo, conservação e restauro

  • Ana Patrícia Tonel Monteiro CITAR-UCP
  • Carolina Barata CITAR/EA-UCP
  • José Carlos Frade CITAR/EA-UCP
  • António Candeias Universidade de Évora/Laboratorio HERCULES
Palavras-chave: retábulo, Sé do Porto, século XVII, talha dourada e policromada, conservação e restauro


O retábulo de Nossa Senhora da Piedade encontra-se na capela homónima no claustro da Sé do Porto. Executada no século XVII, trata-se de um obra de transição estilística entre o Maneirismo e o Barroco. O valor patrimonial da obra e a ausência de estudos mais profundos sobre a mesma, motivaram a necessidade de a caracterizar. As análises realizadas (observação do suporte, micro-FTIR e SEM-EDS) permitiram concluir que se trata de uma obra artística em madeira de castanho, executada segundo as técnicas comuns à época. O retábulo apresenta zonas de douramento a água, que contrastam com os vestígios de decorações fitomórficas em tons de azul e vermelho, os quais foram posteriormente repolicromados a branco de chumbo. Existem também evidências de intervenções de conservação e restauro anteriores. Entre outros tratamentos realizou-se: a consolidação dos materiais presentes, a aplicação de massas de preenchimento nas lacunas e a reintegração cromática das mesmas – devolvendo parcialmente à obra a sua integridade estética.


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Biografias Autor

Ana Patrícia Tonel Monteiro, CITAR-UCP

Patrícia Monteiro is conservator-restorer with a bachelor degree in Art, Conservation and Restoration, and an MA in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, both from Universidade Católica Portuguesa. She made her specialisation in wood carving sculptures. Her MA’s thesis was a study on the retable of Our Lady of Mercy (Oporto’s
Cathedral, Portugal) of the 17th century.

Carolina Barata, CITAR/EA-UCP

Carolina Barata holds a degree in Conservation and Restoration, a post-graduation in Art Expertise, a Master’s degree in Applied Chemistry and a PhD in Geosciences. She started her professional activity in 1996 having joined several working teams in the field of Easel Painting, wooden Sculpture and Photography collections Conservation. Since 2005 she joined the School of Arts of the Portuguese Catholic University (EA/UCP) as a lecturer and a researcher. Since 2016 she coordinates the Master’s Degree in Conservation and Restoration in the same School. She is a member of the Research Centre for Science and Technology of the Arts (CITAR) at EA/UCP and of the Research Centre of Geobiosciences, Geotechnologies and Geoengineering (GeoBioTec) of the University of Aveiro.

José Carlos Frade, CITAR/EA-UCP

José Carlos Frade holds a degree in Chemistry, a Master in Analytical Chemistry, and a PhD in Forestry and Natural Resources. From 2004 until 2012, worked as a chemist at the Laboratório José de Figueiredo of the Direcção-Geral do Património Cultural, and since 2012 he is professor at the School of Arts of the Portuguese Catholic University - UCP - and member of the Research Centre for Science and Technology of the Arts – CITAR | UCP. He conducts research in the field of Conservation Science, has particular interest in the study and analysis of organic materials from cultural heritage objects, and along his professional activity has specialized in areas of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and pyrolysis - gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (Py-GCMS).

António Candeias, Universidade de Évora/Laboratorio HERCULES

António José Candeias holds a degree in Chemistry, a Master in Applied Chemistry and a PhD in Chemistry. He is professor at Évora University and director of HERCULES Laboratory - Herança Cultural, Estudos e Salvaguarda, Universidade de Évora - where he conducts research in the field of Conservation Science, in the areas of x-ray analysis and electron microscopy (XRD, SEM-EDX, EDXRF). He also is the scientific adviser of the Laboratório José de Figueiredo of the Direcção-Geral do Património Cultural.


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Como Citar
Tonel Monteiro, A. P., Barata, C., Frade, J. C., & Candeias, A. (2017). O retábulo da capela de Nossa Senhora da Piedade no claustro da Sé do Porto: estudo, conservação e restauro. Ge-Conservacion, 12, 137-149. https://doi.org/10.37558/gec.v12i0.533