The reintegration of losses in a wooden late baroque polychrome crucifix: issues and ways to approach the selection of materials

  • Flavia Sorace University of Urbino Carlo Bo - Department of Pure and Applied Sciences, Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, Urbino (PU), Italy.
  • Marco Bacci University of Urbino Carlo Bo - Department of Pure and Applied Sciences, Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, Urbino (PU), Italy.
Keywords: wooden sculpture, lacuna, polychromy, reintegration, reconstruction


This work will review two different interventions of plastic and pictorial reintegration that a wooden late baroque polychrome sculpture has undergone. The Crucifix of Monte Giove, restored in the laboratory of the University of Urbino Carlo Bo, has unveiled large losses of the wood, some of which have altered the plastic forms and polychromy, and a shrinkage crack that has caused a deep vertical split in the torso and an alteration of the original volume. These issues have presented an opportunity for further discussion and study, relating to the potential solutions for each type of damage: the use of magnets to make the reconstructed elements movable and reversible and a filler for the wood’s crack to solve both the structural and the aesthetic issues. These two choices have been discussed analysing the critical approaches, the materials selection and the aesthetic results.


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Author Biographies

Flavia Sorace, University of Urbino Carlo Bo - Department of Pure and Applied Sciences, Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, Urbino (PU), Italy.

Flavia graduated as restorer and conservator of cultural heritage at the Carlo Bo University of Urbino with a specialization in “Paintings on wooden and textile support, wooden structures and sculptures and synthetic materials”. Her practical thesis concerned the restoration of the wooden polychrome Crucifix from the hermitage of Monte Giove.

Marco Bacci, University of Urbino Carlo Bo - Department of Pure and Applied Sciences, Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, Urbino (PU), Italy.

Marco is a restorer and professor at the School of Conservation and Restoration, University of Urbino and at the Academy of Fine Arts Aldo Galli in Como. He collaborates with materials analysis laboratory (LAM) at the University of Florence. He has worked as a restorer in the Uffizi Museum of Florence, in the University of Naples and in Syria and Palestine for UNESCO. He participates in the Heritage First Aid project (HEFA) with the University of Urbino. Author of scientific works.


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How to Cite
Sorace, F., & Bacci, M. (2020). The reintegration of losses in a wooden late baroque polychrome crucifix: issues and ways to approach the selection of materials. Ge-Conservacion, 18, 283-290.