Marco metodológico para la conservación preventiva de murallas históricas emplazadas en contextos urbanos. Normalización de datos espaciales relativos a la muralla medieval de Sevilla (España): el caso del sector de la Macarena[1]
Historic buildings management involves specific problems in the case of fortified heritage located in urban contexts: demolitions, archaeological affections, deterioration, etc. These issues are exemplified in the case of the medieval wall of Seville, built mainly on earth using the rammed earth technique. These extensive and highly complex entities are ideal for the use of geographic information systems. Digital cartographic management (DCM) advocates the use of two-dimensional models that allow the definition of the architectural scale to be reached, facilitating the subsequent use of three-dimensional tools. The transversality demanded by a database for preventive conservation, and its multi-scale component, require an important standardisation process that must include its terminological, thematic and spatial components. This article shares the results achieved in this phase of the process, considering the basic characterization of those elements identified in the Macarena sector.
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