Berlin: a paradigm in the past, present and future of urban art

  • Sandra Gracía Melero
Keywords: graffiti, street art, muralism, Berlin, Berlin wall, east side gallery, Urban Nation Museum


From the Berlin Wall and the East Side Gallery, to the Urban Nation. A political history with a commercial perspective. Berlin has always been a reference in urban art worldwide. The area occupied by the USA, West Berlin, was in the eighties a hotbed of subcultures from which  graffiti writers emerged who used the wall as their canvas. After its fall in 1989, these street manifestations spread throughout the city and from the end of the nineties until today graffiti, urban art and muralism have been mutating and continue to be part of Berlin countercultural environment. Framed in this context, in 2017 the Urban Nation Museum opened its doors, a clear example that the museumization of urban art is a great challenge, since it is an oxymoron with respect to its values, codes and media which differ from traditional art.


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How to Cite
Gracía Melero, S. (2019). Berlin: a paradigm in the past, present and future of urban art. Ge-Conservacion, 16, 166-175.

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