Urban art exposed: provenance, content and implication

Keywords: Banksy, The Haus, graffiti, unauthorized, street art, exhibition, provenance, implication


Analysis of two large-scale exhibitions in recent years, dedicated to graffiti and urban art. The two case studies will be: The Haus (Berlin, 2017) and Banksy: Genius or Vandal? (Madrid, 2019). These were ephemeral exhibitions, itinerant, unauthorized, curated by the artists, free, private ... Two very different approaches, which exhibited works of very different types and formats, but always under the title of "graffiti” or “urban art." In a traditional museum, the content of its collection is what defines its typology. In this case, in our classification, the exhibitions were not defined or classified according to the content of the collection: materials, media, techniques, formats; but to the origin of the exhibited pieces: pillaged from public space, sold by the artists themselves, part of private collections, created ex profeso (in situ or in workshop) by the artists themselves ...) All of these exhibitions show similar types of artistic expressions from the public space, but each one of them has exposed it in a very different way. We will analyze which are the most correct or adequate, taking into account the characteristics of the art itself and especially the opinion of the artists.


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The Haus:

ESTILO PALMA WEB. (2017) “Temporary Art: The Haus (Berlin III)”. Mallorca Magazine [13 de mayo de 2017] s.p. Disponible en: https://www.estilopalma.com/2017/05/temporary-art-haus-berlin-iii/ [Consulta: 21/08/2019]

ILOVEGRAFFITI.DE WEB. “170 Artists Invade a Giant Empty Bank Building in Berlin – THE HAUS [PREVIEW]”. [2017] s.p. Disponible en: https://ilovegraffiti.de/blog/2017/02/13/100-artists-invade-a-5-storey-bank-building-in-berlin-the-haus-preview/ [Consulta: 21/08/2019]

LINDSAY. (2017) “165 Street Artists Took Over an Abandoned Building in Berlin, and the Results Are Wild” [23 de abril de 2017] s.p. Disponible en: https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/3d9vg8/165-street-artists-abandoned-building-berlin [Consulta: 21/08/2019]

ROJO. (2017) “ROCKING “THE HAUS”: A 5-FLOOR BERLIN BANK IS TRANSFORMED BY ARTISTS” [16 de marzo de 2017] s.p. Disponible en: https://www.brooklynstreetart.com/2017/03/16/rocking-the-haus-a-5-floor-berlin-bank-is-transformed-by-artists/ [Consulta: 21/08/2019]

THEHAUS WEB OFICIAL. Disponible en https://www.thehaus.de/ [Consulta: 21/08/2019]

TUÑAS, OLALLA. (2017) “165 artistas llenan de arte un viejo banco de Berlín condenado a la demolición” [17 de mayo de 2017] s.p. Disponible en: https://www.traveler.es/viajes-urbanos/articulos/the-haus-165-artistas-banco-berlin/10641 [Consulta: 21/08/2019]


BALMFORTH. (2018) “Banksy calls out Moscow gallery for showing his art without approval” [16 de Agosto del 2018] s.p. Disponible en: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-art-banksy-moscow/banksy-calls-out-moscow-gallery-for-showing-his-art-without-approval-idUSKBN1L11TU [Consulta: 23/08/2019]

BANKSY: Genius or Vandal? WEB OFICIAL. Disponible: https://www.banksyexhibition.es/la-exposicion/ [Consulta: 22/08/2019]

BANKSY WEB OFICIAL. Disponible en: http://www.banksy.co.uk/ [Consulta: 23/08/2019]

CORES NANI F. (2018) “La obra del misterioso e irreverente Banksy se exhibe en España por primera vez en la muestra 'Genius or Vandal?” Periódico 20 minutos. [5 de diciembre de 2018] s.p. Disponible en: https://www.20minutos.es/noticia/3508148/0/banksy-genius-or-vandal-primera-exposicion-espana-arte-urbano/ [Consulta: 22/08/2019]

ESPACIO 5.1 WEB OFICIAL. Disponible en: https://www.espacio5punto1.es/espacio-5-1/ [Consulta: 23/08/2019]

MICHAUT, CHRISTOPHER. “The Writing on the Wall. Banksy’s Unauthorized Exhibition”[30 de Enero del 2019]
s.p. Disponible en: http://www.dailyartmagazine.com/banksys-unauthorized-exhibition/ [Consulta: 23/08/2019]

PYATAKOV, SERGEY. “Banksy lashes out at ‘unauthorized’ Moscow exhibition of his work” [16 de Agosto del 2018] Disponible en: https://www.rt.com/news/436129-banksy-moscow-exhibition-success/ [Consulta: 23/08/2019]

PULIDO, NATIVIDAD: “¿Por qué lo llaman arte cuando quiere decir negocio?” Periódico ABC cultura [11 de diciembre de 2018] s.p. Disponible en: https://www.abc.es/cultura/arte/abci-llaman-arte-cuando-quiere-decir-negocio-201812070215_noticia.html [Consulta: 22/08/2019]

SERRANO, MIGUEL. “Banksy. Genius or vandal?» El grafitero que se creyó Robin Hood”. [19 de diciembre del 2018]. Disponible en: https://eldebatedehoy.es/cultura/banksy-genius-or-vandal/ [Consulta: 23/08/2019]

SOLD OUT WEB OFICIAL. Disponible en : http://www.soldout.es/ [Consulta: 22/08/2019]
How to Cite
Calderón Aláez, E. (2019). Urban art exposed: provenance, content and implication. Ge-Conservacion, 16, 134-144. https://doi.org/10.37558/gec.v16i0.702