Construction of the landscape of the Sierra de Cádiz through its rural architecture: the water mills

  • Gloria Rivero-Lamela Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura. Universidad de Sevilla
Keywords: landscape construction, territory, landscape, rural architecture, water mill, Sierra de Cádiz, cultural heritage


This paper analyses a rural and industrial architecture in a specific environment: the water flour mills in the Sierra de Cádiz. These productive and anonymous constructions, strategically distributed throughout the territory, are constitutive parts of the rural culture and construct the mountain landscape, because they have collaborated in the anthropization and structuring of the territory. These mills are also small hydraulic infrastructures that respond to the hydrographic and orographic conditions of the region, in a relationship of symbiosis between natural resources and society. Despite their inherent values, they have been left out of the valuation, cataloguing and official protection. Applied research methodology (based on Bloom’s taxonomy and according to European Rural Heritage Observation Guide-CEMAT) gives value to these architectures and can enable us to deduce the importance of these constructions in the historical and logistic reading of the territory as well as its patrimonial, architectonic, artisan and cultural legacy.


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Author Biography

Gloria Rivero-Lamela, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura. Universidad de Sevilla

Gloria Rivero-Lamela: Arquitecta (2014) por la Universidad de Sevilla. Premio Extraordinario de Fin de Estudios en el título universitario oficial de Arquitecta otorgado por la Universidad de Sevilla (2015). Premio de La Real Maestranza de Caballería de Sevilla y del Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Sevilla al mejor expediente académico de su promoción. Máster en Arquitectura y Patrimonio Histórico (2016). Actualmente, contratada predoctoral PIF de la Universidad de Sevilla y doctoranda en el Departamento de Proyectos Arquitectónicos de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Sevilla, donde combina investigación y docencia. Ha realizado una estancia de investigación en la Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment de la Delft University of Technology (TU-Delft).

Es miembro del Grupo de Investigación HUM 632: “Proyecto, progreso, arquitectura”. Su investigación y tesis en curso abordan temas relacionados con el territorio, el paisaje y las arquitecturas rurales.

Perfil SISIUS:


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How to Cite
Rivero-Lamela, G. (2018). Construction of the landscape of the Sierra de Cádiz through its rural architecture: the water mills. Ge-Conservacion, 14, 64-76.