Restoration of photography: the case of “Retrato De Novia” of the Estudio Amer-Ventosa (Madrid, 1962)

  • Sara Brancato Doctoranda. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Alteration, Emulsion, Intervention, Gelatin, Support, Deterioration


The photographs could have been altered, in his different stratums, as a consequence of different factors. On one hand, these could be environmental, manufactural, creational and caused by the photographic development, and on the other hand could be related to their own manipulation and history, also those effects related to consequences of storage and exposure.

From the different causes of possible damage, those ones which cause the adhesion of the emulsion to the frame system glass, is, of course, one of the hardest challenges the photograph restorer has to face.

This is the case of the silver gelatin print in black and white, of the famous and already disappeared Amer-Ventosa, whose intervention we are using and could give guidelines on the methodology to use, starting with optic microscopy analysis and considering the acceptable intervention rules for this discipline.


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Author Biography

Sara Brancato, Doctoranda. Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Restauradora y conservadora de Bienes Culturales, es licenciada por la Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera de Milán con un proyecto fin de carrera sobre el arte contemporáneo y la industria del cine de animación, obteniendo la mención de cum laude. Beneficiaria de la Beca FormARTE 2014 en el Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España (IPCE), actualmente es investigadora por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid donde realiza una tesis doctoral sobre el recientemente descubierto fondo fotográfico de la Biblioteca de la Facultad de Bellas Artes (UCM).


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How to Cite
Brancato, S. (2017). Restoration of photography: the case of “Retrato De Novia” of the Estudio Amer-Ventosa (Madrid, 1962). Ge-Conservacion, 12, 150-158.