Recognise the landscape of Itálica through its historical graphic representation: a patrimonial reading
The article proposes a procedure for heritage characterization of cultural landscapes based on diachronic analysis of graphic representations of the Roman city of Itálica, complementary to those already tested from the academic and administrative fields. The relevance of the landscape dimension of Itálica is due to its historical location and visibility, as well as for its current potential in the spatial and cultural articulation of the metropolitan area of Seville. Therefore, this case study is a paradigmatic example, evidencing the applicability of this methodology in the design of cultural and territorial planning policies. The interpretation carried out on a selection of images shows how the territory of Itálica has been communicated and understood at each historical stage -from engravings to photographs or collages. It has also allowed us to verify which are the material and immaterial attributes that have endured in the social imaginary, participating in the construction of the symbolic image of what is recognized today as a cultural landscape, beyond the administrative figure of protection and management.
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