Conservation and virtual reconstruction of the Lucanian Paintings from the National Archaeological Museum of Paestum (ITALY)

  • Fabiano Ferrucci Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
  • Maria Rita Ciardi Professor at the School of Conservation and Restoration, University of Urbino.
  • Annamaria Amura University of Urbino Caro Bo.
Palavras-chave: modelo virtual, reintegração cromática, reconstituição virtual, pintura Lucana, restauro de pintura mural


Este artigo, apresenta os trabalhos de conservação e restauro e de reconstituição virtual, de um tumulo pintado do período Lucano (séc. IV a.C.), actualmente desmontado e conservado em depósito no Museu Arqueológico Nacional de Paestum. A reintegração virtual da obra teve por base diversos elementos: identificação de vestígios de policromia; análise de pigmentos; estudo das técnicas de execução; comparação iconográfica com outras obras do mesmo conjunto e reconstrução por níveis (cores de fundo, elementos decorativos e elementos figurativos). O vídeo, que ilustra os trabalhos de conservação e restauro e a reconstituição digital, foi apresentado na conferência RECH e pode ser visto em: São abordadas diferentes fases dos trabalhos, como a limpeza e a consolidação, e a consequente reintegração cromática através de modelos virtuais, mostrando como uma intervenção virtual respeita os valores de autenticidade da obra.


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Biografias Autor

Fabiano Ferrucci, Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo

Graduated from the Central Institute for Restoration in Rome in 1989, followed by an ICR specialization course in 1992. Graduated with honors in Art History at the University of La Sapienza.
Directed important restoration sites in Paestum, Ostia Antica, Ercolano, Pompei and the Imperial Fora in Rome. He has been working on Campanian-Lucanian painting for 30 years. Since 2001 is a Professor at the University of Urbino. Author of 40 scientific publications

Maria Rita Ciardi, Professor at the School of Conservation and Restoration, University of Urbino.

Is a graduate restorer from the Central Institute for Restoration in Rome. She is currently Professor at the School of Conservation and Restoration, University of Urbino. She is also the author of several scientific texts about conservation and maintenance programs for archaeological monuments. Since 1990, is the legal representative and technical director of L’Officina Consorzio di Roma. She works for several Italian Superintendencies in important archaeological areas such as Paestum, Palatino, Ostia Antica, Nora, and for the Vatican Museums. Works on projects and technical direction, and provides consultancy for restoration activities.

Annamaria Amura, University of Urbino Caro Bo.

Ph.D. Candidate in Computer Science at the University of Urbino, with a research project in “Digital Image Analysis for the Automation of Graphic Documentation of Cultural Heritage.” She has had several teaching supports contracts in computer science and design courses. She has a B.d. in Technology for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, Class 41, and a M.d. in Graphics of Images, LM12, Documentation and Photography for Cultural Heritage. Her research interests include digital photography, image analysis, features extraction from diagnostic images, raster to vector automation method, GIS databases, virtual restoration and graphic documentation.


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Como Citar
Ferrucci, F., Ciardi, M. R., & Amura, A. (2020). Conservation and virtual reconstruction of the Lucanian Paintings from the National Archaeological Museum of Paestum (ITALY). Ge-Conservacion, 18, 275-282.