Aesthetical presentation of a devotional artwork. Issues and possible virtual solutions

  • Irene Montagnolo Restorer; Italy
  • Marco Bacci Conservation and Restoration School, Department of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Urbino
  • Laura Baratin Conservation and Restoration School, Department of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Urbino
  • Giovanni Checcucci Conservation and Restoration School, Department of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Urbino
  • Maria Rita Ciardi Conservation and Restoration School, Department of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Urbino
Palavras-chave: apresentação estética, restauro virtual, escultura em madeira, arte sacra


Nesta contribuição, a atenção está voltada para as complexidades e possíveis soluções que um conservador-restaurador deve considerar durante a fase sensível da apresentação estética de obras de arte devocionais. Para este tipo de artefacto, muitas vezes é possível aplicar a lógica do restauro conservador (Zanardi 2009), que requer intervenção mínima, pois o aspeto devocional é um valor agregado que deve ser protegido, uma vez que carrega uma série de códigos simbólicos (Argenton 2017) que devem ser compreendidos pela comunidade religiosa a que se destinam. A categoria também foi analisada através de uma série de entrevistas com várias figuras que interagem com uma obra de arte devocional e litúrgica: o conservador- restaurador, o historiador da arte e o usuário da obra, a comunidade religiosa.


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografias Autor

Irene Montagnolo , Restorer; Italy

Graduated in 2013 in Cultural Heritage Sciences with specialization in History of Art at the University of Roma Tre. Master Graduation in 2018, in Restoration and Conservation of Cultural Heritage with specialization in artefacts painted on wood and textile supports, wood sculpture, decoration and structures, artefacts and synthetic processed materials worked assembled and/or painted. She discussed her thesis on the aesthetic presentation of religious works, at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo.

Marco Bacci, Conservation and Restoration School, Department of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Urbino

Marco Bacci is currently an adjunct professor in the School of Conservation and Restoration, University of Urbino and at the Academy of Fine Arts in Como Aldo Galli. He collaborates with the LAM material laboratory of the University of Florence for the diagnosis of cultural heritage. He worked as a restorer at the Uffizi museum in Florence, in Syria and Palestine for UNESCO and at the University of Naples. He currently participates in the HERITAGE FIRST AID project (HEFA), Cultural tourism in support of Heritage Conservation with the University of Urbino. Is the author of scientific texts.

Laura Baratin, Conservation and Restoration School, Department of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Urbino

Associate Professor of Drawing at the University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”. Since 2010 is the Coordinator of the Course in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage. From 2009 is the Director of the Master in “Instruments and Methodologies for the Conservation and Valorisation of Cultural Heritage”. Operator for the Conservation of Archaeological and Architectural Heritage in collaboration with the School of Specialization in Architectural Heritage and Landscape, University of Rome “Sapienza” and ICCROM. On March 2011, Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Cultural Activities mentions her in the list of experts for assignments in the field of activities of Central Institute for Catalogue and Documentation, in the areas of Photointerpretation, Map Reading, Georeferencing and GIS. She has developed several projects of international significance since 1998 on issues of conservation, restoration and valorisation of cultural heritage.

Giovanni Checcucci, Conservation and Restoration School, Department of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Urbino

Giovanni Checcucci is a graduate technician in 3D documentation of cultural heritage. He is currently Adjunct Professor of the School of Conservation and Restoration, University of Urbino. He is also a consultant involved in training activities in the field of laser scanner survey. He has worked in the 3D laser scanner survey of the Colosseum in Rome, 3D survey and studies about the geometry of Brunelleschi’s Dome in Florence, surveys for the reconstruction of the old bridge in Mostar for UNESCO and many others projects in Italy and abroad, mainly in the Middle East like Egypt and Palestine.

Maria Rita Ciardi, Conservation and Restoration School, Department of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Urbino

Maria Rita Ciardi is a graduated restorer in the Central Institute for Restoration in Rome. She is currently Adjunct Professor at the School of Conservation and Restoration, University of Urbino. She is also author of several scientific texts. ´She worked at the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, operating on the cleaning of Russian icons. She participated in the Raphael Pilot Programme, dedicated to the preservation and conservation of Late Icons.
Since 1990, she is the founding member, legal representative and technical director of L’Officina Consorzio di Roma. She also works for several Italian Superintendence’s, the Vatican Museums and Embassies. She works on project, technical direction and consultancy for restoration activities.


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BARACCHINI, C. (1995). A cura di, Scultura lignea. Lucca 1200-1425. SPES, Firenze,

BENNARDI, D., FURFERI, R. (2007). Il Restauro Virtuale. Tra ideologia e Metodologia. EDIFIR, Florence, 14-15.

BIAGI MAINO, D., MAINO, G. (2017). Principi e applicazioni del restauro virtuale. EDIFIR, Florence.

BRANDI, C. (2010). Teoria del Restauro. Einaudi, Torino.

FORNI, V. (1998). ‘’Il problema critico delle integrazioni plastiche nella scultura lignea policroma’’, OPD Restauro, 10: 95-111.

MONTAGNOLO, I. (2018). Restauro e Arte Sacra. La presentazione estetica di un’opera devozionale: problematiche aperte e possibili soluzioni virtuali. Master Thesis. Università degli studi di Urbino Carlo Bo.

PERUSINI, G. (1989). Il restauro dei dipinti e delle sculture lignee, Del Bianco Editore, Udine.

TONINI, F. (2015). La scultura lignea tecniche e restauro. Manuale per allievi restauratori, Il Prato, Padova, 16-17.

ZANARDI, B. (2009). Il restauro. Giovanni Urbani e Cesare Brandi, due teorie a confronto, SKIRA, Milano.

Como Citar
Montagnolo , I., Bacci, M., Baratin, L., Checcucci, G., & Ciardi, M. R. (2020). Aesthetical presentation of a devotional artwork. Issues and possible virtual solutions. Ge-Conservacion, 18, 307-312.