The case of Capogrossi in Rome: criteria and limits in the retouching process of a contemporary mural painting

  • Paola Mezzadri ICR - Istituto Centrale per il Restauro
  • Giancarlo Sidoti Istituto Centrale per il Restauro, Rome, Italy
Palavras-chave: Capogrossi, pintura mural contemporânea, técnicas de reintegração de cores, polímeros sintéticos, polímeros naturais,, metodologia piloto


Este artigo aborda os tratamentos de reintegração estudados para uma pintura mural contemporânea, projetada e executada pelo artista italiano Giuseppe Capogrossi em 1954. Essa obra-prima esquecida encontra-se nos tetos da principal escadaria dupla na entrada do Airone, um ex-teatro de cinema em Roma, que foi desenhado e planeado na década de 1950 pelos famosos arquitetos Adalberto Libera, Eugenio Montuori e o engenheiro Leo Calini. Após uma breve introdução baseada na história da conservação do edifício e na própria pintura, serão descritos os critérios e limites no processo de reintegração de uma área de amostra desse mural à base de acetato de polivinilo e altamente degradado (PVAc). Os materiais selecionados no projeto de reintegração, baseados em polímeros naturais e polímeros sintéticos, serão comparados teoricamente entre si e será explicado por que alguns deles podem ser apropriados e eficazes, enquanto outros não podem funcionar cromaticamente neste caso particular.


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Biografias Autor

Paola Mezzadri, ICR - Istituto Centrale per il Restauro

Paola Mezzadri holds degrees in “History of Art and Conservation of Cultural Heritage”(BA) from RomaTre University and in “Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage”(MA) from Istituto Centrale per il Restauro (ICR) of Rome, Italy. She has worked, as a Professional, on all the works of art executed in natural and artificial stones: mural paintings, mosaics, and all the decoration applied to the architectural field collaborating with several Institutions such as The Vatican Museums, The Pontifical Commission for Sacred Archaeology, The International Institute for Restoration and Preservation Studies. She has made also experiences abroad in Portugal in the retouching field of oil paints materials both on wall and on canvas but now she focused her research on conservation projects of synthetic paints on wall. At the moment she is Conservator-Restorer for the Istituto Centrale per il Restauro in Rome, Italy, doing conservation projects and teaching on wall paintings most of the time, improving her knowledge in the restoration field of contemporary art applied in the architectural field.

Giancarlo Sidoti, Istituto Centrale per il Restauro, Rome, Italy

Giancarlo Sidoti holds a degree in Industrial Chemistry from the University of Messina (MA) and obtained a master specialization in Polymer Science at the Polytechnic of Milan. He was Visiting Researcher at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign focusing on issues related to the polymeric crystal structure characterizations. Now he is Head of the “Materials Testing Laboratory” at the Istituto Centrale per il Restauro (ICR) in Rome, Italy. His main research field concerns the conservation of wall painting and of natural and porous building materials, as well as the characterisation of modern and contemporary art materials. He writes and teaches on these research fields at the ICR since 2001.


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Como Citar
Mezzadri, P., & Sidoti, G. (2020). The case of Capogrossi in Rome: criteria and limits in the retouching process of a contemporary mural painting. Ge-Conservacion, 18, 183-189.