Analysis of urban vulnerability as a tool for cultural heritage preservation. The cases of the medium-sized historical ensembles in Andalusia

  • Daniel Navas Carrillo University of Seville (Spain)
  • Blanca Del Espino Hidalgo Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage, Centre of Built Heritage
  • Juan-Andrés Rodríguez-Lora University of Seville (Spain)
  • Teresa Pérez-Cano University of Seville (Spain)


This paper presents the urban vulnerability assessment as a complementary resource in heritage preservation policies, through the analysis of the thirty-nine medium-sized cities that have been listed as Historical Ensemble in Andalusia (Spain). The research seeks to make a sequential approach that addresses, from the general –the conceptual framework on urban vulnerability and the characterization of the analysis sample– to the particular  –the analysis of the socio-economic, socio-demographic or residential vulnerability applied to the intermediate scale which has not been in-deep studied yet–. For this, it proposes to adopt the methodology implemented by the Spanish Ministry of Development in the Atlas of Urban Vulnerability, providing a territorial lecture of the results. The study concludes that medium-sized cities do not present a level of vulnerability lower to the largest ones but detecting specific urban weaknesses that should be addressed to improve the response of these cities to heritage preservation.


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Biografias Autor

Daniel Navas Carrillo, University of Seville (Spain)

PhD Researcher at the Urban and Regional Planning Department of the University of Seville (Spain). He holds a PhD in Architecture (2020), a MSC in Heritage and Architecture (2017) and a MSc in Innovation in Architecture (2016). His research aims to analyse the urban growth experienced in the third quarter of the 20th century in medium-sized cities from a heritage perspective. He has received several prizes such as the Urbanism and Architecture Biennale Research Award (2016) and the Young Researcher TechnoHeritage Award (2019)

Blanca Del Espino Hidalgo , Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage, Centre of Built Heritage

PhD Researcher at the Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage, Centre of Built Heritage, Department of Projects. She holds a PhD in Architecture (2015), a MSC in Heritage and Architecture (2011) and a MSC in Sustainable Cities and Architecture (2013). She has been a pre-doctoral and post-doctoral researcher and assistant professor at the University of Seville (Spain). Her research is focused on cultural heritage sustainability, mainly on urban and territorial dimensions, including landscape and social components.

Juan-Andrés Rodríguez-Lora , University of Seville (Spain)

Predoctoral Researcher at the Urban and Regional Planning Department of the University of Seville (Spain). He holds a Degree in Architecture (2016), a MSc in Heritage and Architecture (2018) and is currently studying a MSc in Urbanism, Urban Planning and Urban Design (2020). His research focuses on contemporary heritage preservation from an urban perspective. He has received several awards, such as the Extraordinary Degree Award (2016).

Teresa Pérez-Cano , University of Seville (Spain)

Is a full-time Professor at the Urban and Regional Planning Department of the University of Seville (Spain) since 1995. Permanently collaborating with several Master and Doctorate programmes, she has been the director of more than 29 doctoral theses. Co-founder and director of the research group HUM-700 Heritage and Urban and Territorial Development in Andalusia. Focused on urban planning preservation, the group has conducted several types of research, urban plans, and professional advisory on classed buildings, monuments, historic centres, and landscapes. She has leaded several R&D projects on medium-sized cities in Andalusia.


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Como Citar
Navas Carrillo, D., Del Espino Hidalgo , B., Rodríguez-Lora , J.-A., & Pérez-Cano , T. (2020). Analysis of urban vulnerability as a tool for cultural heritage preservation. The cases of the medium-sized historical ensembles in Andalusia. Ge-Conservacion, 17(1), 171-185.