Comportamiento de sistemas de revestimiento de ladrillos tipo NHL en presencia de soluciones de ClNa

  • Laura Falchi
  • Laura Speri
  • Eleonora Balliana
  • Martina Zuena
  • Elisabetta Zendri


Se ha formulado una doble capa de revestimiento para garantizar la migración de las sales, la conservación de fábricas y mamposterías antiguas y la sostenibilidad del medio ambiente. De este modo, se seleccionó cal hidráulica natural y áridos reciclados de residuos de revestimientos. Además, se ajustaron y regularon las las propiedades mediante la adición de un agente aireante y de en la capa interna y de diferentes porcentajes de mezclas hidrorrepelentes en la capa externa. Los sistemas han sido aplicados sobre los ladrillos y sometidos a ciclos de humedad ascendente y de evaporación para investigar su comportamiento y propiedades respecto a la migración de ClNa. También se han estudiado especímenes prismáticos monomateriales de revestimiento. Para cada formulación se evaluaron la permeabilidad al vapor de agua, la absorción capilar, el comportamiento de secado, la resistencia a compresión, la conductividad y la porosidad. Cuando las capas del revestimiento presentan diferente microestructura se produce bien la deposición de sales en la capa inferior, bien transporte a la superficie y formación de eflorescencias, observando una buena durabilidad. Si las capas tienen estructura similar, se produce la deposición de sales en la interfaz ladrillo-mortero, originando daños al substrato.


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografias Autor

Laura Falchi

Laura Falchi, Ph.D. in Chemical Sciences, conservator scientist. 2010- Graduated in “Chemical Sciences for the Conservation and Restoration” at the Ca´ Foscari University of Venice with the thesis “ Chemical-physical study of consolidants based on water-borne acrylic emulsions and colloidal silica emulsions for historical mortars”. 2010-2011, Internship and working experience in the research product departments of the San Marco Group S.p.A., Volteco S.p.A, VENETO NANOTECH S.C.p.A; 2012, internship at the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM, Berlin); 2013 science teaching at the secondary school. 2013 Ph. Doctorate in “Chemical Science” at Ca´ Foscari with the topic “ Study of Water-Repellent Systems for the Protection and Maintenance of Mortars”. Since 2014, fellow researcher at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice in the “Chemistry for the Conservation of Cultural heritage Group”. I have been working for the characterization of acrylic emulsion, colloidal silica, and epoxy resins suitable as consolidants for stone materials. My actual research topics includes the study of architectonical surfaces in Venice area also in relation with the environment and the climate changes, development of techniques and products for the protection of historic masonries.

Laura Speri

Laura Speri is a conservator scientist. Graduated in “Chemical Sciences for Conservation and Restoration” (Master Degree) in 2016 at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice with the thesis “Formulation and study of the behaviour of repairing renders by experimental evolutionary design” . Her research interests include artificial stone investigation and formulation, experimental design.

Eleonora Balliana

Graduated in Chemical Sciences and Technologies for Conservation and Restoration at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice in 2007. From 2009 researcher in the sector of CHIM/12 (Environmental and Cultural Heritage Chemistry) at Ca’ Foscari University and professor of the Laboratory of Conservation for the third year of the Master in Technologies for the Conservation and the Restoration of Cultural Heritage. Main fields of interest: materials characterization and investigation in art; architectural surfaces; natural and artificial stone materials; investigation on relationship between environment and material degradation processes; monitoring methods for outdoor surface characterization and preventive conservation; development of new products and applications for cultural heritage.

Martina Zuena

Master Degree (2014) in “Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage”, La Sapienza University of Rome with the thesis “Evaluation of mechanical properties of hydraulic binders modified with basalt fibers”. Now, she is attending the PhD in Chemical Science under the joint supervision of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and University of Trieste with the project “Study of calcium alkoxides as a new conservation product for consolidation of historical limestone”. From September 2016 to January 2017 she worked in Lisbon at the LNEC - Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil - for an internship period.

Elisabetta Zendri

Associate Professor at the University of Ca’ Foscari since 2001. She is the Coordinator of the research group “Chemical Sciences for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage” and Coordinator of the Master Degree  in “Conservation Science and Technology for Cultural Heritage” at the Ca’ Foscari Univerity of Venice. She was responsible in research projects in the field of Conservation of Cultural Heritage promoted by the Italian Ministry of Education, in Interreg  Programme IT-SLO “Shared Culture”. She is coordinator of Research Unit in the JPI-EU project EMERISDA “Effectiveness of methods against rising damp in buildings: European practice and perspective” and in the project “VoicesOfVenice “ FP7- PEOPLE-2013-IOF (Marie Curie Action). The research activity is developed in collaboration with national and international Universities and Institutions. The research activities deal in particular on: new technologies and methods for the conservation and restoration of Cultural Heritage assets; Characterization and preservation of archaeological and traditional building materials (mortar, brick, plaster, stone, pottery); Investigation and conservation protocols for the modern and contemporary mural paintings. She has collaborated and collaborates in several projects for the restoration of important monuments in Italy and abroad. She attend many National and International Congress and she has published more than 150 publications on national and international journals and authors of books chapters. She is member of Scientific Committeee of the International association “Scienze e Beni Culturali”.

Como Citar
Falchi, L., Speri, L., Balliana, E., Zuena, M., & Zendri, E. (2017). Comportamiento de sistemas de revestimiento de ladrillos tipo NHL en presencia de soluciones de ClNa. Ge-Conservacion, 11, 157-164.

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