PAPER TRAILS: post-industrial histories, technical memories and art practices

Palavras-chave: PAPER TRAILS, post-industrial histories, art practices


Este volume surge como consequência direta do Simpósio internacional PAPER TRAILS: post-industrial histories, technical memories and art practices in Tomar que teve lugar em Tomar (Portugal) entre 25 e 27 de maio de 2022. Por sua vez, o simpósio insere-se num projeto homónimo concebido, em parceria com colaboradoras da École de Design et Haute École d’Art du Valais (EDHEA), no Centro de Tecnologia, Restauro e Valorização das Artes (TECHN&ART), uma unidade de Investigação e Desenvolvimento financiada pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) com a referência UID/05488/2020 e pertencente ao Instituto Politécnico de Tomar (IPT).


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Biografias Autor

Herminia Sol, TECHN&ART/IPT

Hermínia Sol é professora auxiliar no Instituto Politécnico de Tomar (IPT), onde leciona Língua e Argumento Cinematográfico. É licenciada em Línguas e Literaturas Modernas pela Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal), mestre em Women's Studies pela Universidade de Limerick (Irlanda) e doutorada em Literatura Americana pela Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal). É subdiretora e investigadora do Centro de Tecnologia, Restauro e Valorização das Artes (TECHN&ART) do IPT. O estudo de narrativas, tanto escritas como cinematográficas, tem sido central no seu trabalho académico. Desde 2018, tem trabalhado no domínio dos estudos de memória e das narrativas do património. Exemplo disso é a sua participação em projetos como REDE ARTÉRIA e PAPER TRAILS, bem como algumas publicações mais recentes no campo do património.

Federica Martini, HEAD, Haute école d’art et design Genève/ HES-SO

Federica Martini is an art historian and a curator. Holder of a PhD in exhibition history (University of Turin), she has worked in the curatorial departments of the Castello di Rivoli Museum of Contemporary Art (Rivoli-Turin, Italy), the Jenisch Museum (Vevey, Switzerland) and the Musée cantonal des beaux-arts (Lausanne, Switzerland). Between 2009 and 2017 she directed the MAPS – Master in Public Spheres program at EDHEA (Valais School of art and design, Sierre, Switzerland) and since 2018 she is the head of the Visual Arts Department at EDHEA where she also teaches the Text/Context seminar. She was a member of the Swiss Institute in Rome between 2015 and 2016.
Recent publications include My PhD is My Art Practices: Notes on the Art PhD in witzerland (with P. Gisler, 2017); Vedi alla Voce - Trace 3 (2016); Publishing Artistic Research (with B. Drabble, 2014); Tourists Like Us: Critical Tourism and Contemporary Art (with V. Mickelkevicius, 2013); Pavilions /Art in Architecture (with R. Ireland); POUR ELLE: Marguerite Burnat-Provins (with A. Jean-Richard Largey).

Renata Faria Barbosa, ISTAR-IUL/TECHN&ART

 Architect and Urban Planner of Mackenzie Presbyterian Institute in São Paulo. She holds an MA in Prehistoric Archeology and Rock Art from the University Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro / Polytechnic Institute of Tomar with a scholarship from the Erasmus Mundus Master in Quaternary and Prehistory program. PhD Student in Architecture of Contemporary Metropolitan Territories at ISCTE-IUL, PhD fellow at FCT SFRH / BD / 129702/2017, she is developing the topic "Survey, diagnosis and rehabilitation of Tomar's industrial heritage". PhD Student Researcher ISTAR-IUL and Collaborating Researcher at TECHN&ART.

In Brazil, he worked between 2004 and 2007 at the Instituto do Património Histórico e Artístico Nacional of the 9th Superintendency in São Paulo, with cultural heritage, both material and immaterial. Likewise, she worked on the BID / Monumenta Program by UNESCO in Bairro da Luz / Bom Retiro.

In Portugal since 2007, she has developed several projects related to cultural heritage. She participated in excavations and treatment of archaeological remains at the Convent of Christ in Tomar and collaborated in the exhibition "Everyday Experiences at the Convent of Christ after the extinction of the Order" at the Museum of Ceramics in Sacavém. She also performed the survey and diagnosis of conservation and restoration for the specifications of the Requalification of the Cathedral of Lisbon and of the Church of São João Baptista in Tomar. At the Municipality of Tomar, she participated in the development of the inventory of Industrial Heritage of the Levada de Tomar Museum.

Ricardo Triães, TECHN&ART/IPT

Ricardo Triães holds a PhD in Geotechnologies, an MSC in Industrial Rocks and Minerals and a BA degree in Conservation and Restoration. He is an Assistant Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar (IPT) in the Department of Archaeology, Conservation and Restoration, and Heritage. He is also a full researcher and member of the Board of the R&D Unit Technology, Restoration and Art Enhancement (TECHN&ART). His main research interests have been in the area of ceramic materials characterization and in Creative Conservation. He is the Director of the BA degree in Conservation and Restoration as well as the Director of the IPT laboratory for Conservation and Restoration.

Como Citar
Sol, H., Martini, F., Barbosa, R. F., & Triães, R. (2023). PAPER TRAILS: post-industrial histories, technical memories and art practices. Ge-Conservacion, 24(1), 152-155.