El reverso que no vemos. Hallazgo de un conjunto gótico actualmente disperso a partir del estudio del soporte.
This study confirms that the altar frontal of Santa Eugenia (MAD 121, Paris) and the altar side panels from Ribes (MEV, 9494/9495) formed a set that originally adorned the main altar of the Romanesque church of Santa Eugenia de Saga (Cerdaña, Catalonia). The track of the ensemble was lost after its sale to a French antiquarian in 1896. The frontal and side panels had not been correlated again due to the differences in their polychromy and their supposedly different provenance until this investigation was carried out.
The proves have been found through the scientific analysis of the support and the study of the polychromy remains conserved in the frames of the three works. This is the second time that the unity of an altar set from the lineal Gothic period has been found by means of the study of its support, a fact that highlights the importance of technical conservation-restoration studies.
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