Infrared thermography analysis with a low-cost camera in plaster sculptures of museum collections

Keywords: IRT, sculpture, plaster collections, GEO-SR project, sustainability


Infrared thermography (IRT) is a non-destructive and non-invasive technique that provides the possibility to investigate the surface of sculptures for the detection of subsurface features and anomalies such as delamination, layer structure, fillings, and defects. IRT has been widely used in buildings and large structures, as well as in works of art such as bronze sculptures and paintings. This article describes the application of active infrared thermography, using a portable low-cost IRT camera, in the examination of plaster sculptures, a material where it has not yet been applied to. In particular, it was used in two plaster sculptures by 19th-century Portuguese artist Soares dos Reis, within a wider project (GEO-SR) aimed at the study of his work. The results indicate that thermography is a suitable technique with a great potential to detect alterations under the surface of plaster, revealing a new look into its manufacturing and conservation.


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Author Biographies

Rui Bordalo, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, School of Arts, Research Center for the Science and Technology of the Arts, Portugal

Rui Bordalo is an integrated researcher at CITAR (Research Centre in Science and Technology of the Arts) at Universidade Católica Portuguesa. He graduated in Art Conservation from the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar (2003), holds a PhD from the Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London (2011), and a postgraduation in Applied Informatics at ISCTE, Lisbon (2018). His area of research is the analytical and technical study of artist’s materials and techniques, namely in paintings and sculptures, and the application of digital technologies to Cultural Heritage. Currently, he is developing research on a project focused on the geomaterial study and conservation of Soares dos Reis works. He has published extensively, and supervised a few master’s and doctoral theses.

Salomé Carvalho, Soares dos Reis National Museum

Salomé de Carvalho is conservator-restorer at Soares dos Reis National Museum (Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage – DGPC – Portugal), invited lecturer and researcher at Universidade Católica Portuguesa – School of Arts / CITAR (Research Centre in Science and Technology of the Arts). She has a PhD in Conservation and Restoration (2013) and graduated in Art, Conservation and Restoration from Universidade Católica Portuguesa (2006).

José Guilherme Abreu, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, School of Arts, Research Center for the Science and Technology of the Arts, Portugal

José Guilherme Abreu holds a PhD in Contemporary Art History (FCSH-UNL). He is invited auxiliary lecturer at the School of Arts - Universidade Católica Portuguesa, and a senior researcher at CITAR.  Since 2018, he is Director of the Public Art Information, Research and Intervention Network. Since 2017, he is Secretary of Association Raymond Abellio de Recherches et Études, in Paris. He is author of several books and articles in national and international scientific journals and has supervised MA and PhD thesis. His main research domains are public art and modern and contemporary art history. In 2009, his PhD thesis attained the Ignasi de Lecea Public Art Award, by Barcelona’s University Research Centre POLIS.

Eduarda Vieira, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, School of Arts, Research Center for the Science and Technology of the Arts, Portugal

Eduarda Vieira holds a PhD in Conservation and Restoration of Historic and Artistic Heritage by the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain), and a Master degree in Architectonic Conservation by the Évora University (Portugal).  She is currently Assistant professor at the School of Arts of the Portuguese Catholic University (Conservation of Inorganic Materials), where she coordinates the PhD program in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage. She is the director of the Research Centre of Science and Technology of the Arts (CITAR) and editor of the Studies in Conservation and Restoration - ECR-Estudos de Conservação e Restauro journal. She is also a member of ICOMOS and ICOM and researcher in several projects related with Preventive Conservation and Green Conservation besides supervising several PhD and master thesis.


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How to Cite
Bordalo, R., Carvalho, S., Abreu, J. G., & Vieira, E. (2021). Infrared thermography analysis with a low-cost camera in plaster sculptures of museum collections. Ge-Conservacion, 20(1), 7-15.