The retouching on archaeological metal artifacts: reflections and proposals, between theory and practice

  • Vilma Basilissi Istituto Centrale per il Restauro
  • Simona Pannuzi Institute of restauration, Rome (ICR)
  • Laura Rivaroli Freelance, Roma
Keywords: Metallic artifacts, retouching, reintegration, texture, gaps


When the restoration of archaeological metal artifacts is considered, the reconstruction and chromatic treatment of the gaps often determine the correct reading of the object, by suggesting its original morphology and external coloring as linked to the degraded surfaces.However, for such a kind of artifact, it is particularly frequent to deal with a remarkable diversity of reconstructions and integrations related to conceptions usually based on opposing principles ranging from mimetic integrations up to a strict rigorism. The purpose of the present work is to contribute to the definition of a conservative intervention protocol based on the reversibility to get a correct and widely perceptive presentation of the restoration work for this kind of artifacts, aimed at their formal reconstruction and aesthetic retouching.


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Author Biographies

Vilma Basilissi, Istituto Centrale per il Restauro

Vilma Basilissi is graduated and specialized at ICR of Rome in 1996. From the 2002 she is a restorer focusing in conservation and restoration of metal and alloy artefacts at the Institute of restauration (ICR) of Rome and lecturer at the ICR High School (SAF ICR).

Simona Pannuzi, Institute of restauration, Rome (ICR)

Simona Pannuzi is graduated and specialised in Medieval Archaeology at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. For almost twenty years has been functionary archaeologist of the Italian Ministry of Culture and she worked in the Archaeological Superintendence of Ostia. Actually in ISCR she is the Director of some researches about polychromy and gilding on the Italian and medieval and renaissance sculptures, also with the collaboration of the Czechoslovakian University of Olomouc, the research about polychromy and gilding of the Gandharan sculptures in collaboration with various partners and Sostituire dopo “and the “:
conservation and restauration projects on artworks of different materials (e.g. metals, stuccos, stones, frescos).

Laura Rivaroli, Freelance, Roma

Laura Rivaroli is a restorer of artefacts in metal, ceramics and other materials. She graduated from the ICR of Rome in 2010 and works free-lance for private and public commissioners. She is vice president of YOCOCU (Youth in Conservation of Cultural Heritage).


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How to Cite
Basilissi, V., Pannuzi, S., & Rivaroli, L. (2020). The retouching on archaeological metal artifacts: reflections and proposals, between theory and practice. Ge-Conservacion, 18, 356-361.