Bringing street art into the museum. Questions, narratives and complexes after Street Art-Banksy&Co

  • Jordi Pallarès Olivé Ninguna
Keywords: street art,, museum, curator, street artist, public space, artistic practice, cultural mediation


It is a challenge to present in a museum an artistic phenomenon as unique as Urban Art in the 21st Century. The project Street Art-Banksy & CO in Bologna in 2016 marked an uncomfortable milestone in this regard, putting on the table delicate issues that still challenge artists and curators all over Europe. Reluctantly and with reservations, the contemporary art establishment began to include Urban Art it in their respective spaces and collections, benefiting from its popularity while observing it with the same feeling of intrusion as that felt by urban artists when others intervene in the streets.
In terms of economic interests, authorships and legalities, there still exists a challenge in determining how Urban Art should be presented indoors and avoiding poor museum practices as art institutions continue to develop Urban Art exhibitions.


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Author Biography

Jordi Pallarès Olivé, Ninguna

Jordi Pallarès - Comisario, investigador y educador visual. Trabaja en aquellas prácticas artísticas y/o reivindicativas que utilizan la esfera pública (y todos aquellos posibles espacios de autorrepresentación) con el objetivo de provocar reacciones en diferentes comunidades de individuos, en la misma ciudadanía. Sobre el público del espacio público. Como proyectos curatoriales, destacan en los últimos dos años: Sobreexposicions i cures con Ampparito (Nau Bostik, Barcelona. 2019), Funàmbuls con Xavier Eltono (Casal Solleric, Palma. 2018), MUCU con Ignacio Bosch (CEART, Madrid. 2017), PEEP SHOW con Mawatres, Santiago Morilla, Aimar Pérez Galí y Pau Sampera (Arts Santa Mònica, Barcelona. 2017) o BLACK FACES con Grip Face (SC Gallery, Bilbao. 2017). Generando mesas redondas y espacios de discusión como Tuenti Urban Art Academy (2018-2019), forma parte de TAULA (Associació d’Educadores Culturals de Mallorca) y es socio-fundador de INDAGUE (Asociación Española de Investigadores y Difusores de Graffiti y Arte Urbano). 

How to Cite
Pallarès Olivé, J. (2019). Bringing street art into the museum. Questions, narratives and complexes after Street Art-Banksy&Co. Ge-Conservacion, 16, 215-225.