Reflections on the need to create higher studies in conservation and restoration of stained glass in Spain

  • Fernando Cortés Pizano The Cathedral Studios, Canterbury, Reino Unido (
Keywords: stained glass,, glaziers, conservation, restoration, craft, tradition, higher education


This article tries to highlight the great need that exists in Spain to create higher education studies on stained glass conservation and restoration, as well as the importance that the learning and mastering the traditional glazier’s crafts would play in these studies. Indeed, the manual skills and technical aspects used both in the creation and in the conservation and restoration of stained glass windows are intimately related, to the extent that it would be difficult to understand one without the other in the training of future conservators-restorers. It is therefore of the greatest importance that any attempt to create higher education studies on this discipline do not neglect the importance of this aspect.


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Author Biography

Fernando Cortés Pizano, The Cathedral Studios, Canterbury, Reino Unido (

Fernando Cortés Pizano - Estudié la carrera de Historia del Arte en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid entre 1984 y 1989 y posteriormente Conservación y Restauración, con especialidad de Vidrieras, en la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de Amberes en Bélgica entre 1994 y 1998, obteniendo el grado de Master. Desde entonces me ha dedicado completamente a la Conservación y Restauración de Vidrieras y mi campo de trabajo abarca tanto la intervencion directa como la docencia, la investigacion, la dirección técnica y el asesoramiento en diferentes proyectos. Desde Enero de 2015 trabajo como restaurador de vidrieras en la Catedral de Canterbury, en Inglaterra.


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How to Cite
Cortés Pizano, F. (2019). Reflections on the need to create higher studies in conservation and restoration of stained glass in Spain. Ge-Conservacion, 16, 62-70.