Born-digital art: modelos de documentación como medida de conservación

  • Amelia Boogen Ybarra
Keywords: born-digital art, Key words, arte digital, digital art, arte analogical, analogical art, obsolescencia, obsolescence, modelos de documentación, documentation models and conservation., conservación, software, hardware


El objetivo de este articulo es presentar una revisión de los modelos de documentación actuales dirigidos a la conservación de digital y born-digital art.

Del examen de los proyectos de referencia y de los modelos de documentación vigentes, se evidencia que los mayores problemas para la conservación radican en que los modelos se tienen que adaptar a cada caso específico, puesto que entraña una gran dificultad que adquieran un carácter de aplicación general. Debido a que no todos los modelos contemplan siempre la problemática de la obsolescencia de soft- y hardware así como la posibilidad de unir aspectos conservativos con documentales, queda evidenciada la necesidad de revisar y actualizar los modelos de documentación como medida de conservación.


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Author Biography

Amelia Boogen Ybarra

Degree in Fine Arts 1997 from the Basque Country University (UPV/EHU) where I specialised in in Conservation and restoration of Cultural Heritage having carried out since then this activity. Master Degree in Conservation and Exhibition of Contemporary Art (CYXAC). I received the award for the best student of Master 2014, UPV/EHU. I am currently a pre-doctoral fellow of the University of the Basque Country – UPV/EHU. From 2005 on I have coordinated it with teaching Arts and Ethics at the German School of Bilbao, -Deutsche Schule Bilbao- being head of arts department. I am also the coordinator of German as specific language (DFU) in the German School of Bilbao. Over these years I have continued my permanent formation in German, having achieved Certificate C2 from the Goethe Institute in Frankfurt as well as SEK II coalification in Arts, which permits me to examine German high school diploma (Abitur). Through my participation in a great number of restoration forum as GEIIC member and taking part in restoration projects with other companies I am continually on the job training.
Work experience: I have regularly collaborated with business of art restoration in Bilbao and Cantabria since 1999. This is how I have acquired knowledge in skills and specific treatment for modern and contemporary works of art, using equipment’s of specialised technology as the suction plate and the realization of scientist analysis for the study of the works of art. All this work has allowed me to work as teaching assistant in several methodological courses, organised by the Institute of Cultural Heritage of Spain (IPCE) dependent on the Ministry. At present I accomplish the documentation of contemporary works of art as a preventive measure of conservation.

How to Cite
Boogen Ybarra, A. (2017). Born-digital art: modelos de documentación como medida de conservación. Ge-Conservacion, 11, 165-171.