Incidence of environmental factors on travertine façade of heritage buildings in the historic center of Cuenca-Ecuador. A test scenario through Digital Imagen Processing

Keywords: environmental incidence, digital image processing, heritage buildings, heritage deterioration, state of conservation, NVDI


The problem of architectural heritage conservation in a consolidated historic urban context is of worldwide relevance. In Ecuador, and specifically in Cuenca, there are no specific approaches to evaluate the environmental impact on the heritage deterioration, therefore, an alternative diagnostic of travertine facades is proposed to define the levels of deterioration based on climatic factors through a case study. Two research stages are developed; 1) preliminary diagnosis of the architectural, environmental and anthropic components, using architectural cards and Leopold’s Multivariable Matrix; and 2) quasi-experimental analysis with a mixed approach (quantitative and qualitative) based on real-time data collection of potential environmental variables to generate deterioration, which focuses on image processing. This technique is gaining momentum because it offers the possibility of studying the characteristics of surfaces through a non-invasive procedure. This paper describes the application of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NVDI) algorithm applied to RGB images known as False-NVDI in order to obtain the deterioration caused by the incidence of environmental factors on the travertine facades. In particular, images of two buildings belonging to the Historic Center of the City of Cuenca were used. The results indicate that this technique has a great potential to determine three levels of deterioration; good, fair and bad. At the same time, it is confirmed that the proposed methodology is an effective and low-cost tool with high potential for short-term application in previous studies and more extensive research prior to intervention.


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Author Biographies

María del Cisne Aguirre Ullauri, Universidad Católica de Cuenca

María del Cisne Aguirre Ullauri, research professor since 2015 and head of research since 2022 in Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Architect since 2010 by the University of Cuenca; Master inConservation and Restoration of Architectural Heritage since 2014 by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (España), and PhD in Architectural Heritage by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (España). She has received the distinction cum laude, international doctorate and extraordinarydoctoral thesis award in the 2021-2022 call in Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. She hasworked as a freelance professional, as well as in several public andprivate institutions in the areas of design, construction and consulting. Her main research lineas are architectural heritage, historical materials and architecture in general. She is a member of the Ecuadorian Network of WomenScientists (REMCI, in Spanish), ICOMOS International, the PHI network (Patrimonio Histórico+Cultural Iberoamericano). Also, is member of Ciudad, Ambiente and Tecnología research group and Ciencia and Diversidad research group, both at Universidad Católica de Cuenca.

Javier Bernardo Cabrera Mejía, Universidad Católica de Cuenca

Javier Bernardo Cabrera Mejía has been a Universidad Católica de Cuenca professor since 2010. He is currently a full-time professor of the Electrical Engineering program. Among his training, we find that he is an Electronic Engineer from the Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (2008), a Master in Communications Networks from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, a Doctor in Information and Communication Technologies from the Universidad de Vigo in 2022 and is currently a candidate to doctor in the Doctorate of Condensed Matter Physics, Nanoscience and Biophysics at the Universidad de Oviedo. Among his academic work experience, he stands out as a teacher for more than 13 years, Coordinator of the Research Group on Smart Electrical Networks, Coordinator of the Real-Time Simulation Laboratory of the Center for Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer, Coordinator of Institutional Training Research and career, Director of Research and Link with Society projects, Head of Scientific Research, Deputy Director of Research; Expert in the evaluation model of Universities and Polytechnic Schools in the field of Research, national and international speaker, writer of several scientific articles, books and book chapters, as well as the registration of intellectual property and patents. Among his recognitions, the best article in the Future Smart Cities presented in Cairo 2020 stands out. Dr. Cabrera belongs to the IEEE Network. Among the research projects under his responsibility, the Development of a Multisensory Room for people with disabilities stands out; the creation of a real-time simulation laboratory OPAL 5600, where prototypes and patents related to electric mobility, generation, and electricity distribution have been developed. and management of renewable energies, intelligent collectors for handling plastic bottles, smart sunlights for skin care, SCADA monitoring systems in an intelligent city concept; and participated as a researcher in external projects such as CAPs2 ERIGrid of the Horizont 2020 project, Brain+ as a detector of ECG signals for neurosensory treatments with the Universidad Politécnica Salesiana and the Institute of Neurosciences of the Universidad Católica de Cuenca.

Carlos Ernesto Guerrero Granda, Universidad Católica de Cuenca

Carlos Ernesto Guerrero Granda is currently working as research assistant in Centro de Investigación, Innovación y Transferencia de Tecnología (CIITT) from Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Received his degree in electronic engineering and telecommunications from Universidad de Cuenca in 2018, the master’s degree in Internet of Things from Universidad Internacional de La Rioja in 2023. His research interests include sensors, microcontroller-based signal conditioning circuits, monitoring of electrical assets in smart grids, Internet of Things (IoT) applied in remote monitoring.

Michelle López Suscal, Universidad Católica de Cuenca

Architect by the Universidad Católica de Cuenca (2022). During the last years of professional preparation, I have been involved in research projects on constructive innovations and architectural heritage. I have participated in architectural design, urban-architectural and research events. I have received architectural awards in urban-architectural design with the team coordinated by Architect Boris Albornoz in the “II Contest of Ideas Metropolitan Corridor of Quito” (2020) and XVI BIACR 2022 in the research category with the project “Vernacular Architecture: Quingeo Center (2022)”. I have been author, co-author and collaborator of research and scientific articles in conservation and management of architectural heritage. Research interests in conservation, management and restoration of architectural heritage. I am currently an architectural technician in the research project of the Catholic University of Cuenca and Pablo de Olavide University “Los materiales en el estudio histórico-constructivo-ambiental de los conjuntos históricos. El caso de Cuenca. ETAPA 2. Versión Resilient.


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How to Cite
Aguirre Ullauri, M. del C., Cabrera Mejía, J. B., Guerrero Granda, C. E., & López Suscal, M. (2024). Incidence of environmental factors on travertine façade of heritage buildings in the historic center of Cuenca-Ecuador. A test scenario through Digital Imagen Processing. Ge-Conservacion, 25(1), 80-95.