Identificación de etapas constructivas documentadas del Puente de San Ignacio (Aguascalientes, México) mediante tomografía de resistividad eléctrica (TRE)

  • Raudel Padilla-Ceniceros Panamerican University Campus Bonaterra. School of Architecture. México
  • Jesús Pacheco-Martínez Center for Design and Construction Sciences, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes. Mexico
  • Norma González-Cervantes Center for Design and Construction Sciences, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes. Mexico
  • Michelle Ivonne López-Escobar Graduate Program in Civil Engineering, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes. Mexico
  • Miguel Ángel Soto-Zamora Center for Design and Construction Sciences, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes. Mexico
  • Hugo Luna-Villavicencio Panamerican University Campus Bonaterra. School of Architecture. México
  • Isaí Gerardo Reyes-Cedeño Panamerican University Campus Bonaterra. School of Engineering. Mexico
Keywords: Tomografía de Resistividad Eléctrica, Puente de San Ignacio, etapas constructivas, información histórica


La técnica no destructiva conocida como Tomografía de Resistividad Eléctrica (TRE) se ha utilizado en el análisis de edificios históricos en los últimos años. Proporciona información sobre la estructura interna de los elementos estructurales, como el grosor de las capas y posibles irregularidades. En esta investigación, se aplicó la técnica TRE al antiguo Puente San Ignacio, ubicado en el estado de Aguascalientes, México. Los perfiles de resistividad resultantes desvelan las etapas primarias de construcción del puente, lo que corrobora y enriquece la información histórica sobre sus fases de construcción. Además, los perfiles indican la presencia de concentraciones de humedad en los rellenos del pavimento, que podrían atribuirse a la infiltración de agua de lluvia. La utilidad de la técnica de ERT aplicada al patrimonio edificado se demuestra en este estudio.


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Author Biographies

Raudel Padilla-Ceniceros, Panamerican University Campus Bonaterra. School of Architecture. México

Civil Engineer from the Autonomous University of Zacatecas, MsC in Civil Engineering and PhD from the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes. Professor of School of Engineering at the Panamerican University Campus Aguascalientes. He develops research in the area of built heritage, particularly in the evaluation of historical buildings using non-destructive methods. In addition, he collaborates in research on the issues of subsidence and danger in the central region of the country. Candidate of the National System of Researchers of Conahcyt from 2018 to 2023. Member of the College of civil engineers of the state of Aguascalientes.

Jesús Pacheco-Martínez, Center for Design and Construction Sciences, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes. Mexico

Civil engineer and master’s degree in structural engineering from the Autonomous University of Queretaro. PhD in geophysical exploration from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. He is a professor-researcher in the civil engineering department of the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, Mexico. Within his lines of research, he develops studies of heritage buildings with non-destructive methods, particularly in the characterization of materials and construction methods of historic buildings with seismic and electrical methods. Member of the College of Earth Sciences of the State of Aguascalientes and the Mexican Association of Hydrogeological Risks.

Norma González-Cervantes, Center for Design and Construction Sciences, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes. Mexico

Geosciences Engineer from the Ciudad Madero Technological Institute, MsC and PhD in Earth Sciences from the Earth Geoscience Institute, National Autonomous University of Mexico. She currently works as a professor-researcher and as a Research Technician in the Department of Civil Engineering of the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes. She collaborates to study in the generation and development of faults and fractures related to land subsidence, as well as in the analysis of hazard and geological risk, likewise, she has worked on interdisciplinary projects to analyze and categorize damages of the rocks that make up the buildings and the study of the physical properties of soils and rocks. Member of the College of Earth Sciences of the State of Aguascalientes, the Mexican Association of Hydrogeological Risks and the Mexican Geophysical Union.

Michelle Ivonne López-Escobar , Graduate Program in Civil Engineering, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes. Mexico

Architect from Zacatecas Technological Institute and MsC in Civil Engineering from Autonomous Univesity of Aguascalientes. Currently, she is student of PhD at the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, her research is carried out in the area of built heritage, specifically in the study of the phenomenon of moisture and its impact on the deterioration of historical buildings. 

Miguel Ángel Soto-Zamora, Center for Design and Construction Sciences, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes. Mexico

Civil Engineer, MsC in Civil Engineering and PhD from the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes. Full time Professor of the Department of Civil Engineering at the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes. Technical secretary of the Master degree in Civil Engineering 2017 to 2019. Member of the College of civil engineers of the state of Aguascalientes.

Hugo Luna-Villavicencio, Panamerican University Campus Bonaterra. School of Architecture. México

Civil Engineer from the Autonomous University of Zacatecas, MsC in Civil Engineering and PhD from the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes. He has been a research professor since 2023 at the Panamerican University Campus Aguascalientes, and the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes. His research focuses on the use of geophysical exploration techniques and remote sensing for risk mitigation. Member of the College of Earth Sciences of the State of Aguascalientes and the Mexican Association of Hydrogeological Risks.

Isaí Gerardo Reyes-Cedeño, Panamerican University Campus Bonaterra. School of Engineering. Mexico

Civil Engineer, MsC in Civil Engineering and PhD from the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes. Since 2019 he has worked as a part-time lecturer, and since 2022 he has been a research professor and head of the Civil Engineering Department at the Panamerican University Campus Aguascalientes. His research focuses on the study of water management, specifically on the modeling of surface and underground water. Member of the College of Civil Engineers of Aguascalientes, the Mexican Association of Hydraulics, the Mexican Network of Hydraulic Engineering Professors, and the Mexican Association of Hydrogeological Risks.


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How to Cite
Padilla-Ceniceros, R., Pacheco-Martínez, J., González-Cervantes, N., López-Escobar , M. I., Soto-Zamora, M. Ángel, Luna-Villavicencio, H., & Reyes-Cedeño, I. G. (2024). Identificación de etapas constructivas documentadas del Puente de San Ignacio (Aguascalientes, México) mediante tomografía de resistividad eléctrica (TRE). Ge-Conservacion, 25(1), 132-141.