From Industry to Creativity and the Arts: Cultural trend analysis in the reconfiguration and cultural management of industrial spaces in Lisbon

  • William Afonso Cantu University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies
  • Nelson Pinheiro Gomes University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies
  • Susy Silva Departamento de Economia e Inovação da Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
Keywords: sociocultural trends, creative communities, lisbon, industrial spaces


This paper explores the transformation of former urban industrial heritage sites in Lisbon into creative ecosystems, considering the major cultural trends and mindsets that are changing the city. We analyze the current dynamics, projects, and nature of these new sites and how they have been impacted by sociocultural changes, while highlighting their base heritage. Based on a cultural triangulation, our results point to a big impact of cultural trends in the development of creative communities in former industrial heritage sites, mainly in terms of identity projects, the creation of stories, co-creation dynamics and exchange of knowledge for innovative solutions. This article contributes with a new perspective on Lisbon’s creative network; an understanding of the role of heritage in the reconfiguration of industrial sites into creative communities; offers a methodological framework to advance research on trend analysis in an applied setting of cultural and creative spaces, providing an audit tool of their nature, projects, and dynamics.


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Author Biographies

William Afonso Cantu, University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies

William Cantú is an Invited Assistant Professor at the School of Education and Social Sciences of the Polytechnic University of Leiria, and a researcher at CEAUL and CI&DEI. He holds a Post-Doc and a PhD in Culture Studies from the University of Lisbon and a master's degree in Design and Visual Culture. He conducts research in the context of Arts, Culture, and Trends. He has participated in national and international research projects related to his expertise and participates frequently as jury member in creativity and innovation national and international contests.

Nelson Pinheiro Gomes, University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies

Nelson Pinheiro Gomes, PhD in the field of Culture Studies, is an Assistant Professor at the School of Arts and Humanities – University of Lisbon. He is the Director of the Culture and Communication Program and the Co-Director of the PhD in Culture Studies. In addition to teaching activities, he has developed research in the field of Cultural Management and Strategy, specifically at the level of Trend Studies and Cultural Branding, coordinating the Trends and Culture Management Lab. He is an integrated researcher at CEAUL.

Susy Silva, Departamento de Economia e Inovação da Câmara Municipal de Lisboa

Susy Silva is a highly accomplished professional with expertise in fostering innovation in creative urban environments. Her keen understanding enables her to empower individuals and adapt local resources, while her strategic policies drive positive change. With a focus on creative economy, productive cities, inner city spaces, craftsmanship, and strategic innovation, she actively contributes to transformative initiatives in her role at the Department of Economics and Innovation in the City Council of Lisbon. As the project coordinator for the Urban M European Project, she has made significant contributions to advancing urban innovation and sustainability. Susy Silva's commitment to academic and professional excellence inspires innovative solutions for the future of urban environments.


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How to Cite
Cantu, W. A., Pinheiro Gomes, N., & Silva, S. (2023). From Industry to Creativity and the Arts: Cultural trend analysis in the reconfiguration and cultural management of industrial spaces in Lisbon. Ge-Conservacion, 24(1), 218-227.