Plastics emitters of gaseous pollutants in Contemporary Art Collections. Protocol proposal for its conservation

Keywords: plastics, malignant plastics, preventive conservation, conservation protocol, contemporary art


The conservation of plastic artworks has been considered a subject of study since the 1990s. However, it has been confirmed that the issue of emitter plastics has not been thoroughly studied with regard to preventive conservation. On top of that, it is known that there are no specific protocols for the preservation of this material. This paper presents a model protocol for the conservation of contemporary plastic artworks, as well as some fundamental results. These results were obtained during a thorough examination of specialized research, which was essentially a poll carried out in some museums and institutions. The purpose of this examination was to understand which are the current patterns followed for the conservation of this kind of artworks. Lastly, the results of a practical test are presented, aiming to give an answer to the gaps found after performing a data analysis of the bibliographical review.


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Author Biography

Sara Liébana Molina, Distrito Restauración

Licenciada en Bellas Artes, Máster en Conservación y Exhibición de Arte Contemporáneo y Doctoranda del Programa Estrategias Científicas Interdisciplinarias en Patrimonio y Paisaje (ECIPP) de la Universidad del País Vasco con la tesis “Los plásticos emisores de contaminantes gaseosos en las colecciones de Arte Contemporáneo. Propuesta de un nuevo protocolo para su conservación”. Colabora habitualmente como conservadora-restauradora y registro en diferentes empresas e instituciones como Distrito Restauración y el Museo Guggenheim de Bilbao


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How to Cite
Liébana Molina, S. (2021). Plastics emitters of gaseous pollutants in Contemporary Art Collections. Protocol proposal for its conservation. Ge-Conservacion, 20(1), 162-172.