Critical study on the current political destruction of the urban monument
This study has focused on the current conflict of citizens with public monuments as shown by several events of vandalism attacks reported in the media. Based on the hypothesis of a failed artistic-historical representation that eludes the reality of the political context and the emotional reactions of certain social movements, we present a critical study articulated between visual studies, politics, and the philosophy of art. Among the most relevant conclusions, we highlight the crisis of the symbolic value of the narratives that represent these images of the past, the violent reactions of social movements that denounce the occupation of public space when the spectator’s gaze on the object generates public opinion and the popular opposition in vandalism in the face of the non-existence of an institutional iconoclastic programme that revises the resignification of monuments in the present times.
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Documentos jurídicos
Parlamento Europeo. Propuesta de Resolución Común presentada de conformidad con el artículo 132, apartados 2 y 4, del Reglamento interno para sustituir a las propuestas de Resolución siguientes: B9‑0097/2019 (PPE); B9‑0098/2019 (ECR); B9‑0099/2019 (S&D); B9‑0100/2019 (Renew) sobre la importancia de la memoria histórica europea para el futuro de Europa (2019/2819(RSP)).
Jefatura del Estado España. Ley 52/2007, de 26 de diciembre, por la que se reconocen y amplían derechos y se establecen medidas en favor de quienes padecieron persecución o violencia durante la Guerra Civil y la Dictadura. BOE núm. 310, de 27/12/2007. Entrada en vigor: 28/12/2007 Departamento: Jefatura del Estado. Referencia: BOE-A-2007-22296. Permalink ELI:
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