Reseña libro: The Saint-Denis altarpiece in Liège and the question of partial paint practices in the 16th century

  • Ana Carrassón López de Letona Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España
Keywords: Saint-Denis altarpiece, paint practices in the 16th century, Flesh, Gold and Wood


The Saint-Denis altarpiece in Liège and the question of partial paint practices in the 16th century Flesh, Gold and Wood  Edited by Emmanuelle Mercier, Ria De Boodt and Pierre-Yves Kairis Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage Brussels. Diciembre 2020.   ISBN 978-2-930054-40-7 Dimensiones: 200 x 200 mm (a color) Páginas: 483 Idioma: inglés y francés



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How to Cite
Carrassón López de Letona, A. (2021). Reseña libro: The Saint-Denis altarpiece in Liège and the question of partial paint practices in the 16th century. Ge-Conservacion, 19(1), 362-363.