Image processing methods integrated to imaging and material characterisation for the study of incunabula illustrations: an innovative multi-analytical approach on a case-study

Palavras-chave: Incunábulos, Iluminação, IR-reflectografia, Processamento de Imagem, Caracterização de materiais


Este estudo concentra-se na aplicação de uma abordagem multianalítica que combina técnicas de processamento de imagens, estudos de imagem e caracterização de materiais num Incunábulo francês do final do século XV e princípio do século XVI: o BPE, Inc. 438. O primeiro objetivo do estudo foi verificar o potencial dos métodos computacionais em imagens de NIC para recuperar reconstruções precisas de impressões de gravura por Germain Hardouyn. Para isso, como Trindade, f.8r; San Antonio Abad, f.61v. A metodologia aplicada permitiu a criação mais rápida de reconstruções digitais, enquanto a análise do material demonstrou o uso de azurite, malaquite, vermelhão, chumbo branco e ocre, e sua resposta NIR foi avaliada no contexto do processamento digital. O segundo objetivo era fazer uma comparação entre as iluminações escolhidas e as referências registradas das mesmas representações de dois incunábulos da Biblioteca Britânica, desenrolando um plano de alteração planejado seguido pelo iluminador insistindo em critérios visuais e teológicos.


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Biografias Autor

Silvia Bottura Scardina, CIEBA-UL, CIDEHUS-UE, HERCULES Laboratory-UE, HERITAS-Estudos de Património

Silvia Bottura Scardina is a PhD candidate in Heritage Science. She graduated in Conservation of Books and Documents and got a MS degree in Heritage Science, both times in Rome. Since 2017 she is part of the PhD program of the University of Lisbon and the HERITAS consortium – Estudos de Património connecting the University of Lisbon and the University of Évora as a fellow student of the University of Lisbon (Ref: BD-2017 of the University of Lisbon). She collaborates with the research units CIEBA (Centro de Investigação e de Estudos em Belas-Artes) of the University of Lisbon, CIDEHUS (Centro Interdisciplinar de História, Culturas e Sociedades) and HERCULES Laboratory of the University of Évora. Her research interests are the materials and techniques used to produce illuminated books and illuminated early printed books.

Filipe Themudo Barata, CIDEHUS - University of Évora UNESCO Chair

Filipe Themudo Barata is a Portuguese researcher of the Centro Interdisciplinar de História, Cultura e Sociedades at the University of Évora. Previously Full Professor and Vice-President of the same university, he completed a degree in History at the University of Lisbon and a PhD in the same subject at the University of Évora. Since then, he has been specialising in Medieval History, Mediterranean Cultures, Museology and Intangible Heritage. He is also responsible of UNESCO Chart of Intangible Heritage, member of the Scientific Council of the University of Évora, director of the TPTI- Erasmus Mundus Master course and collaborates in numerous international projects.

Alice Nogueira Alves, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, Centro de Investigação e de Estudos em Belas-Artes (CIEBA)

Alice Nogueira Alves is a Conservator-Restorer. Since the beginning of her academic training, issues related with the history and theory of restoration and the way different cultures see the artistic object gained fundamental importance in her academic interests, which culminated in the completion of a PhD in Art History, Cultural Heritage and Theory of Restoration, at the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon, in 2009. Currently, she is a Guest Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon.

Catarina Miguel, HERCULES Laboratory, Institute for Advanced Studies and Research, Universidade de Évora

Catarina Miguel is an integrated researcher at the HERCULES Laboratory (HERança CULtural Estudos e Salvaguarda) at the University of Évora. She holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico and a PhD in Conservation Sciences from the NOVA University of Lisbon. Specialist vibrational spectroscopy, Catarina Miguel has been working for more than a decade in the study of materials and techniques used in the production of illumination. Catarina Miguel is the author of more than two dozen publications with international circulation, and has supervised several master’s and doctoral theses.


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Como Citar
Bottura Scardina, S., Themudo Barata, F., Nogueira Alves, A., & Miguel, C. (2020). Image processing methods integrated to imaging and material characterisation for the study of incunabula illustrations: an innovative multi-analytical approach on a case-study. Ge-Conservacion, 18, 362-374.