Alternative conservation methodologies: valorization and reuse of built heritage. Case study Exhacienda San Diego del Jaral, Mexico

  • Angélica González-Franco Herrera Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Xochimilco
  • Ricardo Muñoz Nájera Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Xochimilco
Palabras clave: Reuse, Built Heritage, Sustainable Development, Environmental sustainability, Jaral de Berrios


Architectural conservation had its origins on the “monumental” perspective, founded on the restoration as the methodological approach. Although there are different conservation strategies, it is important to consider new proposals. The reuse of the built preexistences based on management plans, presents itself as an integrated strategy; where conservation, social welfare, environmental and economical sustainability converge by giving relevance to the existing architecture, located in the different urban environments regardless if it is a “monumental” or a minor architecture. The case study of the Exhacienda San Diego del Jaral is an example of the current conservation problem in Mexico: a vast amount of built heritage that due to the lack of human and financial resources is abandoned. They are not inserted in a comprehensive conservation strategy, where it should overcome the paradigm of the vision of the heritage as public expenditures and move it, to a useful model for economic development.


Biografía del autor/a

Angélica González-Franco Herrera, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Xochimilco

Architect by the Universidad de la Salle Bajío and MArch in Reuse of the built heritage by the UAM-X . Private consulter, with extensive participations on conservation and documentation of heritage projects as well in architectonic design and construction. Accompanying teacher on the ENCRYM . Currently doing studies on management plans for the built heritage.

Ricardo Muñoz Nájera, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Xochimilco

Architect and MArch in Reuse of the built heritage by the UAM-X. Dedicated to the study and conservation of the built heritage, as well to the dimensional and graphic documentation of cultural heritage and in the development of management plans for conservation. Currently doing studies on the social processes that lead to the natural need for the reuse of human production objects.

Cómo citar
González-Franco Herrera, A., & Muñoz Nájera, R. (2017). Alternative conservation methodologies: valorization and reuse of built heritage. Case study Exhacienda San Diego del Jaral, Mexico. Ge-Conservacion, 11, 250-256.