The Rupestral Crypt at Fornello. An Axis for a Sustainable Conservation in Apulia

  • Filip Adrian Petcu
Palabras clave: conservation, rupestral paintings, caves, calcarenite, medieval, frescos, sustainability


n this paper I put forward the claim that, Sant Angelo, the rupestral crypt at the site called Fornello, represents one of the very remarkable examples of that kind in the Apulia region, emphasizing furthermore its particular potential as a sustainable conservation pylon in the context of a larger ensemble of surrounding caves. The frescoed crypt designates the referential axis for such a project which should reconnect in a sustainable way, the church, the caves, the rural agrarian area and the people, in a favorable cycle of mutual benefit for tangible and intangible heritage. Our research becomes a pioneer to support an in-depth, on-site study of the three superimposed layers of frescos decorating the crypt. The study reveals new aspects of the Liturgical meaning of the frescos, as it also exhibits further relevant information describing the use of the caves through the ages, envisaging hereby a sustainable conservation perspective for the site.


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Biografía del autor/a

Filip Adrian Petcu

Filip Adrian Petcu, PhD, Assistant Professor at West University of Timişoara, Romania; visual artist and painting restorer; member of ICOM CNR, IIC, CR-C.E.R.C. ICAM UVT,  Messors, accredited as expert in painting restoration by MCPN RO, member of the Romanian Fine Artists Union

Cómo citar
Petcu, F. A. (2017). The Rupestral Crypt at Fornello. An Axis for a Sustainable Conservation in Apulia. Ge-Conservacion, 11, 114-120.